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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 6/7/17

Bonus Tracks
  • Wayne Allyn Root says that liberals are "world class stupid" and "are mad because Trump proves every day he’s just smarter than they are."
  • Rep. Chris Collins says that President Trump's tweets "should not matter the same" as official statements. The White House says exactly the opposite.
  • Linda Harvey is outraged by Pride marches: "The rainbow still belongs to God as a symbol of hope for humanity, not a logo for lust, a lure for vulnerable youth or the banner for unmasked anti-Christian bigotry."
  • Al Perrotta cites Jesus and the parable of the Good Samaritan as justification for promoting the Seth Rich conspiracy theory.
  • Finally, Gordon Klingenschmitt praises President Trump for not recognizing Pride Month: "Thank God President Trump is ending the disgusting government endorsement of sodomy and homosexual sin. The Republican platform is right, when it refuses to endorse evil and immorality. Trump has great courage to defy the left."