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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 6/6/17

Bonus Tracks
  • The granddaughter of Paul and Jan Crouch, founders of the Trinity Broadcasting Network, has been awarded $2 million in a lawsuit alleging that the network covered up a sexual assault against her committed by a TBN employee.
  • David Lane is not happy with the GOP: "Former House Minority Leader Boehner (in 2010) and Senate Minority Leader McConnell (in 2014) said that if entrusted with the majorities in Congress, they would storm the gates of hell with a super soaker. One can hear crickets chirping on the Christian agenda since they were given custody of the House and Senate."
  • Dennis Prager believes that President Trump "is a better man than his critics maintain" and insists that "Trump’s character is less morally significant than defeating the left. If the left wins, America loses. And if America loses, evil will engulf the world."
  • The lawsuit accusing Scott Lively of violating international law by his activism and support of draconian anti-LGBTQ laws in Uganda has been dismissed.
  • Finally, Mychal Massie declares that Kathy Griffin "is a miserable, ugly human being of the lowest most common order ... She is as bad as the filth hiding behind a burqa and hijab shouting allahu akbar. She is a reprobate heathen, and she deserves the wrath/scorn she has received and is receiving."