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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 6/5/15

  • Janet Mefferd was entirely unimpressed with Megyn Kelly's softball interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.
  • Ryan Bomberger declares that "the gay rights flag is dripping with the blood of the unborn."
  • Gee, who ever would have guessed that Ben Carson's presidential campaign would collapse into chaos?
  • Jennifer LeClaire warns that the new television show "Lucifer" is a "demonic forerunner" to the rise of the Antichrist, designed to "[prepare] the way for Satan himself with deceiving agendas that target the confused, hurt and lost."
  • Burt Prelutsky says that Obama shares "the instincts of Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Mao, Castro and Mussolini, but, fortunately, he lacks their power to kill dissidents or even have them exiled to Siberian gulags. The most he can do is sic the IRS on them, which is contemptible, but not fatal."
  • Finally, Monica Cole of OneMillionMoms brags of getting the television show "Black Jesus" cancelled, which must come as news to Cartoon Network, which renewed in back in December.