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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 6/2/17

Bonus Tracks
  • David Barton says that it'll be "real easy" for President Trump to finally annihilate ISIS: "We have an American military that is quite capable of doing that. We have the most powerful military in the world by a long shot. We can end this when we decide we want to end it."
  • Mason Weaver says that "if you really wanted to destroy the major symbols of slavery and racial discrimination, you would ban the Democratic Party."
  • Richard Viguerie warns conservatives that they cannot allow Democrats to gain control of Congress because "anybody who was a serious opponent of them should be worried about being punished by the police state."
  • Liberty Counsel continues its crusade against Northland Community Church and its pastor Joel Hunter for hosting a "Dialogue on LGBTQ Inclusion and Understanding in the Church."
  • Finally, Dave Daubenmire declares that President Trump's speech withdrawing the United States from the Paris climate agreement will go down as "the greatest statement in the history of American politics."