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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 6/2/15

  • Good news: Creflo Dollar will be getting the $70 million private jet that he needs.
  • Cliff Kincaid explains that Joseph McCarthy "didn’t go far enough; the Marxist manipulation of culture was never examined in the detail that was required."
  • Monica Cole of AFA's One Million Moms demands that Fox cancel the new program "Lucifer" because "the show is not only disrespecting Christianity and mocking the Bible, but it can mess with people's eternity."
  • Steve McConkey of 4 Winds Christian Athletics warns that "sports hero Bruce Jenner, now supposedly Caitlyn, will open a floodgate of immorality that will affect Americans for generations to come. Jenner's decision will be exploited by the media and the education system throughout the world. Confused people will now have an adult transgender as a hero."
  • Finally, a proposed California law designed to protect women from being misled by "crisis pregnancy centers" apparently draws "striking parallels to the Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793 and 1850."