- Phillip Jennings explains why God would vote for Donald Trump.
- Joseph Farah guarantees that "Trump is going to win. Hillary is not. It won’t be close."
- Cliff Kincaid wonders why President Obama "gets emotional talking about Islam" and "gets emotional when talking about Islam being blamed for killing Americans."
- Linda Harvey is very upset about gay-friendly Christians: "Proud homosexual rebellion is taking many people’s lives to the edge of eternal danger but, unfortunately, people who call themselves Christians are now jumping in front of this parade with a twisted version of the gospel, one that poses a great threat: becoming comfortable with God-offending sins."
- Finally, Scott Lively says the massacre in Orlando happened because America has abandoned God: "What claim does any person or society have to protection by God if it doesn’t actually belong to Him — or in America‘s case, has pushed Him forcefully from every aspect of public life?"