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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 6/14/16

  • Janet Porter is in her fight against Target for the long haul, as she's already planning "back to school" protests.
  • Bryan Fischer says we should block Muslim immigration just like we "blocked immigration from Ebola-ravaged countries." Except, of course, we never did that.
  • Laurie Higgins says that "while it is justifiable to feel anger about public displays of perversion, especially in the presence of young children, hatred of those human beings who experience homoerotic feelings and affirm a homosexual identity is evil."
  • Pat Buchanan declares that "those who believe Islam is the one true faith, to which all of mankind must eventually submit, should be told that they are welcome as visitors – but not as immigrants. For that would ensure endless conflict."
  • Finally, Tony Perkins says the massacre in Orlando was "a conflict of the president's own making. By coddling and promoting Islam, the Obama administration has created an environment where people who identify as gay, lesbian, or transgendered are increasingly vulnerable."