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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 5/26/16

  • Peter LaBarbera says that "now the Sexual Left–having legally destroyed the meaning of marriage with the eager help of the U.S. Supreme Court–has moved on to 'mainstreaming' and mandating accommodation for (trans)gender rebels–think men with fake boobs and a penis invading female restrooms; sadomasochism; men becoming human 'dogs'; and 'polyamory' (anti-fidelity). As for pedophilia, that lobby is still gearing up–mimicking the successful, manipulative tactics of the 'gay liberation' movement by portraying themselves as the aggrieved 'victims' of an inconvenient 'orientation.'"
  • Michael Brown calls upon Donald Trump to humble himself and admit to his mistakes. Good luck with that.
  • Anne Graham Lotz, who believes that the return of Jesus is imminent, says that God may be keeping her father, Billy Graham, alive so that he can witness it.
  • Linda Harvey declares that "bathrooms should continue to be safe places to perform necessary functions, not proving grounds for depraved identities."
  • Finally, David Whitney says that "new neckwear is being prepared for Obama in light of his administration’s actions" on transgender rights, citing Matthew 18, which says that "whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."