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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 5/13/16

  • Donald Trump is very proud(link is external) to have Sheldon Adelson’s support after once saying(link is external) that Adelson turns politicians into his puppets. 
  • Ted Cruz, who spent the first months of his campaign praising Trump, lashed out at Fox News(link is external) for the network’s positive coverage of Trump. 
  • Trump’s butler clarifies things(link is external): “I did write that I think Obama should be hung. I never said kill, I said hung.” 
  • Right-wing activists Jared Woodfill and Cathie Adams lost their campaign(link is external) to become chair and vice-chair, respectively, of the Texas GOP. 
  • Gina Miller writes about “the demonic essence(link is external)” of the LGBT rights movement. 
  • The National Organization for Marriage is quite upset(link is external): “It is mind boggling to think about the power that radical LGBT extremists now hold among the Democratic party and leftist politicians like Obama and Hilary Clinton. If they are willing to allow these extremists to force their way into our children’s showers and bathrooms, what limits to their agenda exist?”