- Bryan Fischer
Christians shouldn't attend a gay wedding, just like they wouldn't attend theopening of a new crack house.
- Linda Harvey
- After being
- Marco Rubio is quietly
- Obviously, the true purpose of Common Core is to
- Finally, The Stream
latest-downward-slide-for-girl-scouts-girl-is-now-optional#.VTehmpP3RDQ">says the Girl Scouts are now advocating "anything
that is anti-Christian, and anything that would dishonor girls."
show">stripped of a committee assignment because of controversial comments that he made, Colorado state Rep. Gordon
klingenschmitt has now had his seat
href="http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/04/22/us-usa-election-rubio-gaymarriage-idUSKBN0ND0AT20150422"> reaching out to gay
conservatives and Republicans, which is probably not going to help him with anti-gay activists who are
href="http://www.onenewsnow.com/politics-govt/2015/04/22/rubio-stumbles-on-sexual-orientation-at-what-cost">already leery of
real-goal-dumbing-down-people/">dumb people down.
href="https://stream.org/first-come-language-part-one-interview-robert-oscar-lopez/">interviews Robert Oscar Lopez, who
helpfully explains why his new book is entitled "Jepthah’s Daughters: Innocent Casualties in the War for Family