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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 4/21/16

  • The American Family Association is now(link is external) "calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women's restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores."
  • Steve Deace fumes(link is external) that Donald Trump "bows to the Rainbow Jihad on the Today Show and says he's fine with creepy dudes ogling and assaulting our daughters in the ladies restroom."
  • Ex-gay activist Christopher Doyle says(link is external) "the LGBT lobby is like a kid in a candy store with unlimited credit. The kid is high on sugar and bouncing off the walls while demanding more, all the while disturbing the other customers. The North Carolina Legislature and Governor are the brave candy store owners by saying no, and now the kid is out of control and will stop at nothing to get his way."
  • David Kupelian declares(link is external) that "by rolling over for the opposition to these ‘transgender bathroom laws’ and the perverse, bizarre worldview underlying it, we are in the process of corrupting and morally confusing an entire generation of Americans into believing delusion is truth and that commonsense decency and discernment amount to ‘discrimination’ and ‘hate.'"
  • Finally, FRC continues to pray(link is external) that anti-LGBT laws will be passed in every state: "Lord, show those who see this as trivial that every assault on religious liberty is an assault to the foundation of all liberty. If the government can coerce us to abandon our core biblical faith and practice as it pertains to marriage, it can force us to believe and do anything. Shake your people to pray, to speak out, and to take action. May pastors and churches lead the battle to pass common sense laws in every state. May those who live in anti-religious liberty states fight to restore religious liberty, flee to a free state, or be prepared to stand in the fiery trial that will soon come to every jurisdiction in America."