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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 4/19/16

  • Some sober analysis from Michele Bachmann: "The Muslim Brotherhood together with its myriad fake front groups, like a demon, first charms then disarms, then contorts itself into a seemingly friendly face. Once it’s beguiled its unsuspecting victim, it mercilessly unleashes death and destruction upon its unwary victims, like a viper."
  • William Gheen says the outcome of the immigration case at SCOTUS will determine "whether we continue this country as a functioning republic or as a totalitarian dictatorship."
  • The National Organization for Marriage calls upon supporters to "Demand that Congress Get Off Its Rear and Prohibit Government Discrimination Against People of Faith."
  • Paul Hair tells his fellow right-wing Christians that Hollywood hates them and everything they represent.
  • Finally, Phyllis Schlafly has released a video informing Eagle Forum members that she remains in control of the organization.