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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 4/18/16

  • David Keene, former president of the National Rifle Association and former chairman of the American Conservative Union, hopes that unhinged "conspiracy nuts" like Frank Gaffney will soon "vanish into the fever swamps from which he came."
  • Bill Muehlenberg explains why he supports Ted Cruz: "Ted Cruz cannot save America. He is incapable of making it great again. But he is the best candidate on offer, and at the very least, he may help defer the judgment of God which America so very much deserves."
  • Judie Brown, founder of American Life League, has some intelligent thoughts on the Zika virus: "Mosquitoes have been carrying this vaccine for several years after carrying the virus, [so why aren't they killing the mosquitoes?] Because they'd rather kill the babies."
  • Theodore Shoebat warns that liberal activist will place Christians into "camps where people are butchered, or where some people are 'reeducated' to be assimilated into the tyranny of confusion."
  • Finally, "Coach" Dave Daubenmire explains why "discrimination is a good thing": VIDEO