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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 4/13/17

Bonus Tracks
  • Erik Rush calls on President Trump to jail the mayors of sanctuary cities: "I believe that aggressive action – which would certainly be framed as draconian by the opposition – is most assuredly in order at this point ...The establishment press, far-left activists, liberal politicos and their dullard followers are going to frame everything the Trump camp does as illegal, unconstitutional, racist and omniphobic no matter what face the administration attempts to put on its agenda – so why not capitalize on the situation?"
  • Apparently, Sean Spicer apologizing for being terrible at his job is actually a sign that he is very good at his job.
  • Lance Wallnau needs help figuring out how he can counter the messages of those who criticize the modern King Cyrus, President Trump: "When I hear Christian voices undermining Cyrus Trump or confusing people's minds I want to block them before they poison more people."
  • A warning from Cindy Jacobs: "As I was in prayer early this the morning, I felt strongly that we need to pray against a jihad car attack in the US. Pray especially for Washington, D.C., and other major cities."
  • Finally, a prayer from FRC about repealing Obamacare: "May we repent on behalf of our nation for turning from God and looking to Big Government to be our lawgiver, judge, and king and provider, rather than our Jealous God, who alone has the power to heal, prosper, bless, and guide ours or any nation. May God give our president, Speaker Paul Ryan, Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, the entire GOP majority in both Houses, and the Democrats who are willing to work with the majority, wisdom, patience, guidance, and the ability to come to united agreement over this initiative. May God work miracles in our legislative branch to heal the breach between the parties and personalities, and allow enough cooperation for our nation to move forward."