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Supreme Court

Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 3/3/16

  • James Dobson says that the future of the Supreme Court makes this "one of the most significant national elections in American history. The future of our nation is hanging in the balance, and we dare not make a mistake this time around." 
  • "Coach" Dave Daubenmire demands to know why pastors are remaining silent "as Evangelical Christian Ted Cruz OPENLY prays with Mormon Glenn Beck."
  • The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property blasts CPAC for allowing gay and atheist groups to participate: "We call upon the American Conservative Union to rescind its welcoming of organizations like Log Cabin Republicans and Atheist Voters as sponsors and exhibitors. Doing so would show consistency with the word conservative in its name."
  • FRC prays that Antonin Scalia's replacement will be "speedily confirmed" ... after being nominated by the next president, of course: "Thank God for the Senate leadership’s stand. May GOP members hold fast, whatever pressure to do otherwise may come. May the American people elect a president who will nominate a constitutional conservative justice in the New Year! May he or she be speedily confirmed. May voters be alert to the kind of justice each presidential candidate would select, given that the next president may have the opportunity to choose three or more! God have mercy upon us!"
  • Finally, CBN's David Brody defends all those poor Christians who are being criticized for supporting Donald Trump: "The condemnation of Trump’s Christian supporters from within evangelical circles is troubling. Is there now a threshold of Christianity that you need to achieve to be a 'real evangelical?' In other words, if you support Cruz you’re a true believer but if you go with Trump you’re not? Are 'Trump Christians' going to have to wear a political Scarlet Letter?"