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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 3/23/16

  • Walid Shoebat says that "Brussels Is A City Led By A Bunch Of Really Dumb People Who Insulted Donald Trump And Deserved What They Got."
  • Franklin Graham calls on Christians to "stand up against this NFL blitz" after the league said Atlanta would not be allowed to host the Super Bowl if Georgia enacts a discriminatory law.
  • Linda Harvey fumes that "Obama strokes a cherished pink poodle named 'Sodomy and Gender Anarchy.'"
  • Michael Snyder has some questions about the terrorist attacks in Brussels: "There are some people out there who are suggesting that it was no accident that these attacks happened on 3/22. And without a doubt, we have seen other events of this nature fall on dates that have special significance for the occult. I do not know exactly what to make of all of this, but we do know that 322 is extremely significant to the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University (of which George W. Bush and John Kerry are members)."
  • Finally, Laurie Higgins warns that gay activists are out to silence the church: “What they're really saying is You have to accept our set of subjective assumptions about the nature and morality of homosexuality or, yes, we will crush you."