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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 2/6/17

Bonus Tracks
  • Pamela Geller says that "every day it's Christmas" under President Donald Trump.
  • Todd Starnes is upset about the "left's offensive ads" that "spoiled an otherwise classic Super Bowl."
  • Ken Ham says that secular humanists don't believe in the separation of church and state: "They want their religion of evolution, their religion of naturalism, atheism, imposed on generations of our kids and our tax dollars are being used to do that."
  • Steve Jalsevac of hopes that President Trump can withstand the "near satanic, on-going assault" because so far "he is doing many right things. He would not be so intensely hated by all these people if he were not."
  • Finally, Scott Lively continues to warn about the dangers of Milo Yiannopoulos, because he "represents the very essence of Nazism as will the Trump Administration if it aligns with the homosexuals instead of the Christians and Torah-faithful Jews."