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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 2/5/16

  • Franklin Graham is predicatbly unimpressed by President Obama's visit to a mosque because "Islam cannot save anyone from Hell or open the gates of Heaven."
  • Anti-choice activists are threatening to file ethics charges against the DA who indicted David Daleiden if she doesn’t drop the charges.
  • Some typically reasonable analysis from Pamela Geller: "It is no surprise that close to 70% of the Muslims surveyed will register Democrat, as the Democratic Party is the party of treason."
  • Todd Starnes says the "establishment" hates Ted Cruz because he’s "been a man of his word."
  • Jake MacAulay warns that if you vote for a candidate who won’t follow "God’s law," "you will stand before God and be judged for your failure to obey Him."
  • Bryan Fischer likes Ted Cruz because he will "provide statesmanlike leadership for spiritual renewal" if elected president.
  • Finally, FRC prays that conservative Christians will swing the election: "If the hostility toward Christians and the loss of religious liberty we have seen during the past eight years continues, we will see wholesale persecution of Christians in America in the not-too-distant future. If the church does not take a stand in an important election such as we now face, will it stand when jobs and careers are on the line because of the deeply held beliefs of its members? Will it stand when obedience to Christ requires disobedience to civil and other authorities who are commanding obedience to immoral policies, ordinances and laws? May this loss of religious liberty and the hostility toward Christians motivate each of us to pray and act in 2016 as never before!"