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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 2/23/16

  • In a shocking development, both Rafael Cruz and David Barton support Glenn Beck's call to fast for Ted Cruz.
  • Bob Vander Plaats says that Cruz was right to fire campaign spokesman Rick Tyler because "Ted Cruz has such a high bar of integrity in this campaign."
  • Phyllis Schflaly declares that "homosexual marriage cannot be the stabilizing force that it claims ... Marriage has been and always should be about creating a stable environment in which to raise children and instill them with values and character. Homosexual marriage will never provide this environment."
  • Bryan Fischer cannot believe that self-identified evangelicals in South Carolina "voted for a man who seems proud of the fact he’s never asked God for forgiveness even a single time."
  • Finally, speaking of Fischer, he once again suggested that Janet Jenkins sexually abused her daughter while discussing the Lisa Miller case on his radio program today.