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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 2/15/17

Bonus Tracks
  • Andrew Puzder, President Trump's nominee for labor secretary, has withdrawn his nomination.
  • After less than one month in office, Trump is already organizing rallies so he can surround himself with adoring supporters.
  • Bill Donohue says that "the war on religion—and that is exactly what it is—is being led by agents of government and activist groups seeking to impose a militant secular agenda on Americans. What drives them more than any other issue is an irresponsible interpretation of sexual freedom."
  • Jonathon Van Maren warns that "The Fifty Shades franchise is not just pornography, although it certainly is that. It is a major coup for those who are attempting to mainstream the sorts of sexual savagery ... I’m not exaggerating or fearmongering when I say that this franchise is deadly dangerous."
  • Finally, Josh Hosler says he has no idea what Gordon Klingenschmitt is taking about.