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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 2/10/16

  • Do you want to see Johnny Depp as Donald Trump? Of course you do!
  • Ted Cruz's latest campaign prayer call featured Doug Stringer, who has been deeply involved in organizing the various "The Response" prayer rallies. 
  • This upcoming FRC event ought to be enlightening: "Bruce or Caitlyn? Why Everyone Should Care About the Transgender Movement." 
  • A presidential forum on racial reconciliation hosted by CBN's David Brody will probably likewise be very enlightening.
  • Chris Christie and Carly Fioria have become the latest GOP presidential candidates to drop out.
  • Finally, Scott Lively asserts that ISIS, just like the Nazis, is driven by a "super-macho male homosexual culture": "A sexual dynamic driven by super-macho Butch 'gays' who reject the 'homosexual' label and feel no compunction about hurting or killing Femmes, but whose members have always been at the core of male homosexual culture. They are the brutes who 'bash gays' even while living as sodomites themselves."