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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 1/7/15

  • While condemning the massacre at the office of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, Bill Donohue nonetheless insists that those who were killed were at least partly responsible for their own deaths because they intentionally insulted Muslims.
  • Some typically solid "journalism" from CBN's David Brody: "I have one word to sum up Mike Huckabee: 'Reaganesque.'"
  • Cliff Kincaid fumes that the 1969 Stonewall riots are now considered to be an historic turning point: "The idea of having sex with children, in addition to anti-police violence, has been part of the homosexual rights movement in the United States all along. This is what 'Stonewall' has come to represent. Obama wants the taxpayers to sponsor this 'celebration' of perversion. Our first president, George Washington, who court-martialed sodomites and kicked them out of the revolutionary army, must be turning over in his grave."
  • There is an effort afoot to get a professor at a Christian university fired because he is pro-choice. Oddly, we don't hear anyone in the Religious Right screaming about this supposed "persecution."
  • Finally, James Dobson is terrified about the damage President Obama can do in his final two years in office: "What we have seen to this point is federal funding for abortions (despite promises to the contrary), amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, open homosexuality in the military, women in every aspect of combat, the undermining of traditional marriage, a steady assault on religious liberty, universal health care and rationing of essential treatment for older Americans, and dozens of other imperious policies. When Barack Obama was a candidate for the highest office in 2008 and after, he promised to 'fundamentally transform' this nation. Now we see what he had in mind. History tells us that nations before us have grown weak and faded away, usually related to poor leadership. Is this where our President is leading us?"