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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 1/3/17

Bonus Tracks
  • Jim Garlow is giving away 7,383 copies of his book "Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today's Tough Issues," one for every state legislator in the nation.
  • Mat Staver is very optimistic about what the Religious Right will be able to accomplish under President Trump: "In the political realm, the sky’s the limit at this point, both politically and in the administrative state. We now have opportunities we never even hardly dreamed about before – to literally reverse so much of what Obama did not only by executive order but Obamacare and many other regulations that promoted an amoral, immoral agenda."
  • Michael Snyder calls upon the incoming Trump administration to "immediately start taking steps to reverse the curse we are under as a result of what Obama has done."
  • Peter LaBarbera is asking for donations so he can keep up the good fight: "While we love sinners as Jesus does, and condemn real 'hate' (toward anyone), we do not 'love' or respect homosexualism, transsexualism–or any other branch of deviant 'gay' sexual ideology and behavior–which are at war with God’s plan for sex, marriage and family."
  • Finally, David Horowitz declares that "unsung hero, Steve Bannon, is our 'Man of the Year.'"