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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 1/28/15

  • BarbWire's Gina Miller laughably defends the American Family Association as a "peaceful Christian organization" that is being smeared with "damnable lies."
  • Newsbusters also tries valiantly to distract from Bryan Fischer's well-documented history of unmitigated bigotry by conveniently ignoring it entirely.
  • Sam Rohrer of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network is very excited about "the number of potential [Republican presidential] candidates who profess what he calls an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ."
  • Shocklingly, Rick Santorum's claim that all of the jobs created since 2000 have gone to immigrants turns out to be false.
  • Pamela Geller declares that "the vicious Jew-hating rhetoric coming from the White House is unusual even for an anti-Semite like Obama."
  • Finally, Glenn Beck is apparently so devoid of vision for his network that he has now been reduced seeking advice from his Facebook followers on what sort of shows he should be making.