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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 1/27/15

  • Mike Huckabee will be participating in an event that David Barton will be hosting at Lancaster Bible College in Pennsylvania in March.
  • Huckabee will also address a luncheon for Allen West's National Center for Policy Analysis in February.
  • David Barton knows how to save America: "We need to fill our school boards, city councils, public utility districts and other city and county positions with common-sense, God-fearing, Constitution-heeding individuals."
  • Tea Party Nation declares that "the state of New York has inflicted many indignities on the United States.  But perhaps none is worse that the current junior Senator from the Empire State.  Kirsten Gillibrand is not simply a terrible Senator.  She is a terrible person."
  • Finally, remember the story about the Missouri middle school student who was supposedly told that he was not allowed to read his Bible in school that was almost immediately debunked? Gordon Klingenschmitt just repeated it on his latest "Pray In Jesus Name" program.