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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 12/5/16

Bonus Tracks
  • Donald Trump tweets that "if the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I would have far less reason to 'tweet.' Sadly, I don't know if that will ever happen!"
  • Rachel Alexander says that the left is probably behind the "Pizzagate" rumors in an effort to discredit the right: "The left is using #Pizzagate to make fun of the right. But as was discovered after the presidential election, the left is behind much of this fake news, generated purposely to hurt the right. Numerous articles have come out by the left-leaning media and the left’s myth-debunking sites denouncing #Pizzagate stories and blaming the right."
  • Robert Oscar Lopez says that he is "within [his] rights to gloat somewhat" because "pro-Trump intellectuals" such as himself "will go down in history as even cooler than the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae."
  • Tim Allen's "Last Man Standing" sounds like a laugh riot. Who says conservatives aren't funny?
  • Finally, Jim Garlow is delighted with President-elect Trump's call with the president of Taiwan ... but also very concerned: "President Tsai Ing-wen is the 'Hillary Clinton of Taiwan'—hellbent on destroying natural, orthodox, historic, tradition (biblical) marriage. Churches—that is, authentically biblical churches - are under severe attack. Legal challenges are underway. So - while it is good that the US recognizes Taiwan, it is NOT good to give President Tsai Ing-wen any credibility. We need to pray her out!"