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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 12/17/15

  • Glenn Beck says that in electing President Obama, America "elected an angry black man."
  • The Pro-Life Action League is organizing a nationwide "Empty Manger Christmas Caroling" event where anti-choice protesters sing Christmas carols outside of abortion clinics.
  • Mark Regnerus seems very sad to realize that his reputation has suffered badly as a result of his discredited anti-gay research.
  • James Dobson has officially endorsed Ted Cruz for president.
  • A U.S. appeals court has upheld the conviction of a pastor found guilty of helping "ex-gay" Lisa Miller kidnap her daughter and flee the country.
  • Finally, Wayne Allyn Root is positively giddy about getting to speak at a Donald Trump campaign event: "There were only two speakers — Donald Trump and Wayne Allyn Root. I became the opening act for the man I believe is the next president of the United States. It was like opening for Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones. This wasn’t a political rally… it was a rock concert!"