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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 11/3/15

  • Recently released tax scofflaw Kent Hovind told Bryan Fischer today that he intends to sue the federal government for $9 million for false imprisonment (a million dollars for every year he spent behind bars).
  • Speaking of Fischer, he has some concerns that Ben Carson may not be anti-gay enough.
  • Similarly, Peter LaBarbera is worried that one of Marco Rubio's billionaire backers is too pro-gay: "I think this is very dangerous, and the whole party is trending in a pro-gay direction – so there's a lot to worry about ... It doesn't matter if you're a Republican: if you're supporting the homosexual agenda, that's just as evil as if a Democrat is doing it."
  • The Montana Supreme Court's Office of Disciplinary Counsel has recommended that Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes be disbarred.
  • Some good advice from Rep. Steve King: "The most important thing we can do, especially young people: Have a lot of babies and raise them right."
  • Finally, Larry Tomczak explains that CNBC's Republican presidential debate was so "biased" becuase Satan controls the airwaves: "The 'prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience' (Eph. 2:1-2), exerts real diabolical power through the airways. Since Jesus labeled Satan a 'liar and the father of lies' (John 8:44), those who are not under the loving Lordship of Jesus Christ are being influenced to do his bidding. Therefore, lies and deception permeate our culture in alarming ways with political leaders and personnel in media advancing his diabolical schemes."