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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 11/23/15

  • Liberty Counsel stands ready and willing to lead the fight in the War on Thanksgiving: "Liberty Counsel recognizes that Thanksgiving is a religious holiday. Despite society’s attempt to minimize religious expression and the Christ-centered focus of this holiday season. If your religious rights are being challenged this Thanksgiving Day, or Thanksgiving time, contact Liberty Counsel at 407-875-1776."
  • His scandals appear to have finally caught up with him, as Republican Sen. David Vitter lost his bid to become governor of Louisiana.
  • Alex McFarland says President Obama's Syrian refugee policy is "empowering and aiding and abetting terrorists -- this amounts to treason. It is borderline treasonous!"
  • Larry Klayman says there is only one hope for America: "The bottom line, dear and fellow patriots: If the Republicans do not act and fail to institute meaningful impeachment and conviction proceedings to legally remove the Muslim sympathizer in the White House before it is too late, then We the People should demand that those responsible, Republican House and Senate leaders themselves be impeached and convicted."
  • Finally, FRC's Peter Sprigg is not happy about companies adopting gay-friendly policies: "I'm not sure that all of these policies have been adopted because these companies think that it helps to operate their businesses better. I think it's more of a matter of bowing to political correctness and, in some cases, actually wanting to avoid the threat of being accused of bigotry. So, I question the sincerity of some of these policies."