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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 11/20/15

  • Peter LaBarbera attacks Target for supporting the Equality Act or, as he refers to it, the "Criminalizing Christianity Act" or "Homosexual Superiority Act."
  • Bruce Engelman of Triumph Baptist Church is calling on "Christians across the globe to unite and to demand a public apology for the remarks that President Obama has made in Turkey, and elsewhere this week, denigrating evangelical Christians of all faiths and stripes."
  • A typically reasonable column from BarbWire's Gina Miller: "None of what Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) does makes sense, unless you realize that he is a tool of the devil. His motivation is to do the evil will of his spiritual father, who hates everything of God."
  • Matt Barber says the fact that the National Portrait Gallery is displaying a photo of transgender activist Sylvia Rivera "establishes once again how far America has fallen from grace, that we are a nation in rebellion against God."
  • Finally, Theodore Shoebat once again insists that gays must be put to death: "In the sodomite utopia, children, youths and young men would be raped; pederasty would be completely acceptable, and not only that, it would be mandatory. This is the truth and this is why the Bible says that sodomites are to be put to death. They are all evil and slaves to the darkness. Its not just Muslims that we should expose, but the sodomites."