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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 10/9/14

  • James Dobson says that "the preservation of the family is the Cause for which I was born. I knew it when I was 20 years old."
  • James Robison warns people to vote properly: "Whatever political banner you may wave, you need the banner of the Lord and the principles of Almighty God or you are going nowhere but down. The way up is God. The way out is Divine Direction."
  • A bunch of anti-gay Religious Right activists are so anti-gay that they are urging other anti-gay Republicans to vote for a Democrat over a gay Republican.
  • Linda Harvey fumes over advances in gay rights: "Vicious attacks have been launched by the Human Rights Campaign, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others against brave, compassionate, truthful Christian brothers like Peter LaBarbera, Dr. Scott Lively, Dr. Michael Brown and organizations like American Family Association and Family Research Council. Isn’t it obvious, isn’t this revelation enough, that the poison 'fruit' of homosexual advocacy is ripening in today’s America, revealing lies and oppression, and it stinks to high heaven?"
  • NOM likewise fumes over the success of gay marriage: "This is not democracy: it is judicial tyranny ... [M]arriage is on the ropes, and our principles of government are taking a beating as well."
  • Finally, read all about the Palin family's drunken brawl.