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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 10/1/15

  • Jonathan Cahn says(link is external) that Hurricane Joaquin is a warning from God as "a precursor to the United Nations recognizing Palestine."
  • Speaking of Cahn, even though his Shemita prophecy was a total bust(link is external), Michael Snyder insists(link is external) that Cahn was right and "it is just the beginning."
  • Jonathan Saenz cannot believe(link is external) that Lance Berkman is being criticized simply for "exercising his First Amendment rights about an issue." Does the First Amendment not also give people the right to criticize those with whom they disagree?
  • More trouble(link is external) for Ron Luce and his struggling Teen Mania ministry.
  • American Vision has announced(link is external) that Dr. Joel McDurmon has been tapped to take over for Dr. Gary DeMar as president of the organization.
  • Finally, Erik Rush has some thoughts(link is external):
  • Pray tell, what constitutionally guaranteed rights have been denied homosexuals in recent memory? Their perceived “right to marry” is a wholly subjective interpretation of law, and ensuring homosexuals anything under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment is a lube-slathered slope toward their legitimately demanding whatever their perverted little hearts desire in the future. Practical labs in fisting for kindergartners, anyone?