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Right-Wing Anti-Islam Activist Says America Must 'Close Every Single Mosque'

On the "Stand in the Gap" radio program last week, Sam Rohrer and Gary Dull of the American Pastors Network interviewed an anti-Islam activist named IQ al Rassooli about the terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando earlier this month, which al Rassooli asserted occurred because the shooter, Omar Mateen, was gay (a claim which the FBI disputes) and was seeking to appease Allah in hopes that Allah would make him straight in the afterlife so he could enjoy his 72 virgins.

Every Muslim, al Rassooli proclaimed, supports violent jihad and those who claim that they do not — like President Obama — are simply lying.  Anyone who cannot see that, al Rassooli said, belongs in a "mental asylum."

"You know what you have to do?" al Rassooli asked. "You have to close every single mosque. You have to remove every single imam. You must not allow sharia. You must not allow hijab ... This is exactly what needs to be done."

Polls purporting to show that many Muslims do not support the imposition of Sharia are false, he asserted, because those who insist they don't are simply engaging in taqiyya.

"Every Muslim wants Sharia," al Rassooli declared. "The 49 percent [who say they don't] didn't want to tell whoever is asking the question that they support Sharia. It's a deception, it's called taqiyya. Taqiyya is Islamic sanctified religious deception. What do you think Obama is? Obama is all about taqiyya. He lies to protect Islam. Eight years he has been lying to protect Islam. Eight years. This is called taqiyya."