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Rick Wiles Warns 'There Will Be Blood in the Streets' If Bill Gates Continues to Push for Vaccinations

Rick Wiles of TruNews (Image Art: Jared Holt)

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles' hatred of vaccines led him to threaten to confiscate all of Bill Gates' wealth during last night's episode of his "TruNews" program.

Last month, Wiles attacked Gates as "an enemy of the human race" over the latter's support for vaccines and technology that could be used to determine who has and who has not been vaccinated. Wiles returned to the topic again last night, warning that if Gates continues to support such measures, Wiles and millions of other Americans will rise up, demand that he be stripped of his wealth, and run him out of the country.

"Bill Gates wants to get a microchip in your body, he wants a microchip in your baby's body," Wiles said. "If Mr. Gates and other billionaires continue to push their agenda, then they are going to push people like me to call for the confiscation of their wealth. I mean it. If these guys continue this talk of requiring mass vaccinations, immunity cards, immunity passports, microchips, buddy, you're starting a fight you'll wish you never started because the American people will rise up, and we will strip you down to your tighty whities."

"Christians had better get ready for a confrontation with these people," he continued. "They're coming after us and our families. They have an evil agenda and the government needs to know there will be an uprising if they try to do it. There will be blood in the streets if Bill Gates pushes this agenda ... The American people, we will rise up and we will march on your mansion in Seattle, we will sink your yacht that you just bought."

"The American people need to get riled up and ready to defend the sanctity of their lives," Wiles declared. "Don't be like the Jewish people who marched into the gas chambers."