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Rick Wiles: Ivanka Trump Is 'A Kabbala Practicing, Evil Woman Whispering Evil Things In The Ear Of Her Father'

End Times radio broadcaster Rick Wiles dedicated a good portion of his "Trunews" program last night to continuing his attack on President Trump for having launched U.S. airstrikes against Syria last week, placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, Trump's Jewish daughter and son-in-law.

Wiles, who was an ardent Trump supporter until the president directed strikes against a Syrian airbase, played a portion of a sermon he delivered to his congregation last Sunday in which he attacked Ivanka and Kushner for being Orthodox Jews and tools of "the deep state cabal in the White House." Wiles claimed that the couple are devout followers of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson and sought "the dead rabbi's messianic blessings on Donald Trump's election victory," asserting that Ivanka even credited Schneerson for protecting her father for an assassination attempt.

After blasting Schneerson for "being a scholar of the blasphemous Talmud" and "an esteemed teacher and practitioner for Kabbala, Jewish mysticism, witchcraft," Wiles warned that "this is the rabbi that Jared and Ivanka revere" and "this is who is whispering in Donald Trump's ear, 'Bomb Syria.'"

Wiles went on to compare Ivanka with the daughter of Herod who, in Matthew 14, convinced her father to behead John the Baptist.

"That's who I think Ivanka Trump is," Wiles said. "She's a Kabbala practicing, evil woman whispering evil things in the ear of her father. She's going to the grave site of an old dead Kabbala practitioner and getting spirits telling her what to do ... We have to pray against witchcraft in high places, witchcraft that plans to kill millions of people. ... [Ivanka and Jared] are cleaning out the White House to surround President Trump with their Kabbala practitioners, and the only advice he is going to get will be from people who are evil. And the church is letting this happen."