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Rick Joyner Suggests ABC News Is 'A Terrorist Organization' For Reporting 'Fake News' About Flynn's Willingness To Testify Against Trump

Right-wing pastor Rick Joyner posted a video on Facebook today in which he responded to reports that Michael Flynn, President Trump's former national security adviser, had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI during the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election by suggesting that ABC News is a "terrorist organization" for spreading "fake news" that Flynn had agreed to cooperate in the investigation against Trump.

ABC reported that Flynn, as part of a plea deal, had agreed to cooperate fully with the investigation and "is prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians," but Joyner insisted that this is unsubstantiated "fake news" and that ABC has engaged in terrorism by reporting it.

"The biggest terrorist organization in the world is the media," Joyner asserted yet again. "It creates more terror, more fear and more confusion and is doing more damage than the terrorist organizations. Now we may have a great example of that going on right now [with the Flynn story]."

"Immediately, ABC News put out a story that Flynn has made an agreement to testify against Trump," Joyner said. "This really rattled the markets ... and [there has been] no collaboration [sic] to this story ABC News put out, nothing to back it up, none of the other networks have yet picked it up, so if it is fake news and proves not to be true, should ABC News be dubbed a terrorist organization, sowing terror, sowing confusion?"