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Rick Joyner: Impeach The Supreme Court And Remove From Office Anyone Who Refuses To Impeach The Supreme Court

Rick Joyner sent out a dire missive to his Oak Initiative email list today, declaring that America's "spiritual and moral deterioration" has become so great that we have now begun a "national meltdown into madness" that can only end with God's brutal judgment falling upon this nation.

Fuming that Planned Parenthood has not been shut down and its leader prosecuted for the organization's "heinous crimes," Joyner likened America to Nazi Germany:

Once you lose the core moral foundation of the value of life, evil will come pouring through the floodgates just as we saw happen in Germany in the 1930s.

Of course, the guilty protest any comparison to the Nazis, but if we do not learn where certain paths lead from historical examples, then we have learned nothing from that history and will go down the same path. The Nazis moved fast from abortion to the weak, retarded, and elderly who could no longer work, dubbing them “the useless eaters.” From there it was a small jump to political opponents, and ultimately, to condemning almost anyone for anything. The same paths lead to the same place ...  America has now become a sick society. At the rate we are melting down, we will soon be one of the sickest and perverted of all time. This is a main reason Islamists call America “The Great Satan.” They believe we have become so perverse that there is no alternative but to destroy us in order to rid the earth of this evil. Over the last few decades we seem to be intent on proving this verdict. 

After voicing his outrage that our "State Department has implemented a foreign policy of threatening nations to adopt the LGBT agenda if they want to continue getting aid from us," Joyner praised the "courageous leaders like those in Africa who told our leaders to keep their money and their perversion far away from them" and then demanded the impeachment of the Supreme Court justices who wrote the decision striking down state gay marriage bans, as well as the removal from office of any members of Congress who refuse to impeach them:

In general, Christians don’t expect non-believers to live according to biblical morals, and they want all American citizens to have their rights protected. There are some extremists in every group, but Christians do not want to impose their morals on others. However, neither do they want what they consider to be immorality imposed on them. The recent Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage did just that, even though its most serious violation of America was about much more. It was an unconstitutional decision, and if allowed to stand, brings into question whether we are still a Constitutional Republic, or a nation of laws.

The Constitution is clear that any authority not specifically given to the Federal Government is reserved to the states and the people. Nowhere is the Federal Government given authority to impose such a social agenda. Many Americans seem to assume that because the Federal Government is bigger, it has authority over the states. The opposite is actually true if we are still basing our government on the Constitution. The states have authority over the Federal Government in everything that is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution as being given to the Federal Government. Any other authority it takes does not have legal legitimacy.

Thomas Jefferson’s loudest and most vehement warnings were about “judicial tyranny,” which he warned would become exactly like what the Supreme Court, and many of the Federal Courts, are now imposing on America. These rulings are unlawful and unconstitutional. The justices that blatantly violated their oath to defend the Constitution by voting for something like this should be impeached.

California’s vote for Proposition Eight in 2008 was the constitutional way to handle such issues—by the states and by the people. A state does have the right to have same-sex marriage or not. The State of California, and the people, decided how they wanted this issue settled in their state. They voted not to have same-sex marriage. A single Federal Court judge, who was himself exposed as being a practicing homosexual at the time of his decision, overturned the will of millions of people and the State of California. That is what Jefferson called “judicial tyranny.” It is unlawful and unconstitutional.

This judge should have certainly been impeached for such a violation of the Constitution, but no one did a thing because we do not have leaders who keep their oath of office. Those who did nothing should be impeached as well for not obeying their oath to defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.

So should the President and his previous Attorney General be impeached for saying that they would not enforce laws they did not agree with because they took an oath to uphold the laws of the land? Absolutely. Their brazen contempt for the Constitution and the laws that were lawfully passed by Congress and signed by a President was a blatant violation of their oath of office, and so they should have been removed from office.

Not to defend the laws and the Constitution only releases further lawlessness in the land. So, those who did nothing in the face of this are just as guilty. If the President does not have to obey laws he does not agree with, why should anyone else?

So what can we do? It is up to the people, the ultimate authority, to impeach those who violate their oaths of office, to remove them from office, and indict those who have so betrayed their country.

With the same-sex marriage decision, our Supreme Court has released into the land that those who hold to what have been the moral standards accepted by every nation, religion, and civilization in history can be attacked as “haters.” We already have examples of those who have lost their livelihoods for refusing to violate their conscience by serving what they believe to be immoral. The next step will be to see them prosecuted for “hate crimes,” as is already happening in Europe.