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Rick Joyner: DOJ Decision Not to Prosecute Comey Will Lead to a Second American Revolution

It was reported yesterday that the Department of Justice would not prosecute former FBI Director James Comey for passing memos that he wrote documenting his interactions with President Trump to a friend, who then passed them on to the New York Times. In response to the news, right-wing pastor Rick Joyner posted a video on Facebook declaring that this decision will lead to a second American Revolution.

For months, Joyner has been claiming that God told him in 2018 that another American Revolution is "inevitable," and now he is claiming that the decision not to prosecute Comey is exactly the sort of thing that is going to foment it.

"This has to be a blow to everyone who believes we're supposed to be a place of liberty and justice for all, not just some," Joyner said. "This is why there is going to be another American Revolution. Our Founding Fathers pointed to things; when it gets like this, when it gets this bad, you have to rise up against the tyranny in your own government, and this is tyranny."

"We're no longer a country of the people, for the people, by the people," he added. "Government has gotten to the place where it believes the people exist for them, not the other way around. Well, that has got to change and the only way it is going to change is revolution. Does that mean it has to be a violent revolution? I pray not, [but] I think it is headed that way. That was, by the way, the reason for the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment was for there to be an armed militia [so] that if our government became oppressive and tyrannical, the people could stand against it and defend themselves, defend their rights, defend their families, their states, whatever. We are coming to that again."