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Rep. Louie Gohmert: Russia Probe Investigators Must Be Fired To Stop ‘Coup’ And Resulting ‘Civil War’

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas told two Virginia radio hosts last week that special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein “need to go” in order to “stop the coup before it becomes successful and these yahoos throw us into a civil war.”

On Friday, Gohmert joined the program’s co-hosts, Mary Walter and Vince Coglianese, to discuss a House Judiciary Committee hearing at which FBI Director Chris Wray defended his agency after President Trump claimed that the FBI’s reputation was “in tatters.”  Gohmert faulted the FBI and the special counsel leading the Russia probe for keeping the Trump administration “embroiled in something that should have gone away a long time ago,” and went on to criticize Mueller and Rosenstein directly.

“Mueller made no bones about it. He wants anti-Trump, Hillary-loving folks on his team. He wants people like  [Andrew] Weissmann that said, ‘To heck with the law, to heck with the Constitution.’ This is about screwing people over like he did Anderson, Arthur Anderson that is,” Gohmert said, referring to Weissmann’s work on the Justice Departments Enron probe that found Anderson guilty of obstruction of justice—a decision later overturned by the Supreme Court. “He didn’t care. He got the desired result and that’s why Mueller hired him. He wanted to hurt people that he wanted to hurt,” Gohmert said.

Walter also brought up other members of the investigative team that have met with people involved with the Steele dossier.

Gohmert said, “See, they knew that. They had to know that, and they still were hired. So it’s not about we’re finding out about their bias and that’s why they’ve got to go. It’s that their bias became public and that became a problem.”

“Mueller stacked the deck. It was intentional in order to cover for him and Rosenstein. Both of them need to go. We’ve got to stop the coup before it becomes successful and these yahoos throw us into a civil war,” Gohmert said.