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Rep. Jim Jordan Makes Cameo Appearance on IFA Prayer Call for the Midterm Elections

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) (Image from livestream of Judicial Watch "Deep State Update," April 24, 2018)

Intercessors for America, which mobilizes conservative evangelicals to engage in prayer for political leaders, hosted the last of its pre-election prayer calls for the midterm elections.

Rep. Jim Jordan was this week’s big-name guest, but rather than lead a series of prayers as guests usually do, Jordan made brief remarks and jumped off the call. He said “faith, family and freedom” are the things that set America apart and warned that the family and freedom are under attack.

He noted that the election was just four days away and said there are “two very contrasting and distinct visions for where the respective parties want to take the country.” He contrasted the vision of “the left” with the “amazing record of achievement under President Trump.”

Jordan said his favorite Bible verse is 2 Timothy 4:7, in which Paul tells Timothy to “fight the good fight, to finish the course, and to keep the faith.” He said it’s a verse that “describes our country” because it contains “words of action”—fight, finish, keep. “And that, I think, is our charge, as Americans, we need to fight for the things that make us special in the first place, finish strong, keep faith with the values and principles that as I said make us the greatest nation in ever.”

After Jordan left, IFA’s Dave Kubal and a series of other IFA activists led prayers for the midterm elections for what they said were about 1,000 people on the call. Participants were asked to pray that candidates with integrity would be guided by God while those with “perverse” ideals would be defeated.

Another prayer leader weighed in with a message from the Holy Spirit that the kind of “extreme evil” that has been resisting President Trump will not be defeated unless Christians fast and pray between now and Election Day.

Kubal closed with a prayer sent in by someone named Katie that he said “sums up everything that we’ve been praying about today”:

Heavenly Father, we lift these mid-term elections to you. We pray that you would convict your church and all of those called by your name to be informed and active in not only voting but encouraging others to go to the polls. Your people perish for lack of knowledge. Discourage those who intend to vote for candidates that represent evil, either in their beliefs or voting records. Father, please complete the work that you started when you allowed Donald Trump to become our 45th president. Please continue to work against voter fraud, and please let those who have sanctioned violence and disharmony fall into the pit that they alone dug. Bind the work of the enemy and confuse his communications. May truth and righteousness prevail.