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Renew America Pundit Thinks Obama Will Round Up Critics And Put Them In Camps

After getting bounced from the Christian Post, Rev. Austin Miles is now writing for Alan Keyes’ Renew America, where today he falsely accuses President Obama of trying to overturn the First Amendment, round up political foes and introduce communism.

Miles writes that “after hijacking The White House, [Obama] immediately appointed CZARS, an office known only in the former Communist Soviet Union,” and is now on his way to putting critics in “re-education camps.”

Actually, “czar” was the title for Russian monarchs before the Soviet Union and is not an official government title. In fact, President Bush appointed more “czars” than Obama.

While marching America into Communism, Obama, right from the beginning, was not subtle. He told Joe The Plumber that he intends to "Redistribute the Wealth," a page right out of Karl Marx. After hijacking The White House, he immediately appointed CZARS, an office known only in the former Communist Soviet Union.

Those who oppose the redefinition of marriage are sent to "sensitivity training," which in Communist-led countries means "Re-education camps." Those who dissent in any way are required to submit to "Psychological Evaluation." In Communist countries, Christians and anyone who opposes government are sent to insane asylums.

Patriot Joe Otto with his daily "Letter to Conservatives" tackles these very issues without restraint. It is with his permission that we re-publish his letter in its entirety: The highlights in his letter are mine.

While it has always been fashionable for the Left to target the Second Amendment, it has been assumed that the First Amendment was set in stone and wasn't up for debate. That was until Barack Obama entered the White House. Now, Harry Reid has promised to put a Constitutional amendment up for a vote to change the 1st Amendment!

Make no mistake; there are a lot of people who really hate Obama and his leftist policies. You can count me as one of them. As much as individuals may hate Obama, hatred alone has never been a crime. U.S. citizens have an enumerated right to speak their minds when it comes to politics without fear of being punished.

So, what do we do when U.S. citizens begin to be rounded up and detained over "controversial" Facebook posts about the President? What are we supposed to do when the government equates disapproval of a President with a conspiracy to overthrow the government?

Now, the Democrats are determined to abolish/alter the 1st Amendment of the Constitution to re-define what political speech is permissible and what political speech warrants a jail sentence!

This is all connected! The Left wants to control what you can and cannot say as a way to control dissent. Harry Reid has promised that he will put a Constitutional amendment up for a vote in the Senate to change the 1st Amendment. These two Liberal branches of government are conspiring to take away YOUR right to free speech and they expect you to just accept it.

Over my dead body!