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Renew America Pundit Says 'Obama, From Birth, Was The Chosen Destroyer Of America'

President Obama is the chosen one … “the chosen destroyer of America,” that is.

Writing today for Renew America, conservative talk show host Laurie Roth rants against “radical Communist/Islamist” Obama’s plans to “destroy America,” “control the entire world” and “enslave” us all through his coming Islamic caliphate.

Obama doesn't have a dream to destroy America and make her disappear, but rather to enslave, control, and manipulate the people and all our assets. All those who resist his agenda will be destroyed. His stated views written and spoken for his whole "fake out" career have been to be the leader of an international movement and control the entire world with international laws.

Step one is to seize and redistribute all wealth, make America a mass of amorality, and crush real morality inspired by the God of the Holy Bible. Obama is a radical Communist/Islamist and has always hated what the real America represents. Christians, conservatives, and patriots must go, so must her spirit and real history of greatness.

Obama intends to make this transformation happen through clear and thought-out methodology. He has never just had a dream or philosophy he operates from, but detailed plans and international Islamic support. He has always mysteriously had billions of dollars in backing. It is most clear that Obama, from birth, was the chosen destroyer of America. Believe what you want, but the large sea of facts support this, from the massive millions spent to hide all Obama's documents – falsifying his birth records, use of false social security cards, and hiding college records. Think about it a second. Have you ever heard of any U.S. president ever spending millions to hide every detail of his life from the people?

We see Obama organizing and enforcing a tectonic shift through the Islamic lead caliphate, with the goal of controlling the entire world one day. We have watched Obama side with Islamic dictator after dictator – exposing again and again his real faith in Allah and Muhammad, not the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ. Think of the endless amount of corrupt and criminal dictators and terrorist groups he has boldly backed – Zelaya, Morsi, giving aid, and comfort to the Taliban, employing Muslim Brotherhood members through out his staff on and on it goes. He always sides against the Christians and Jews and for Islamic radicals.