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Renew America: Obama Ushering In The Antichrist and Gay Sharia

Extreme anti-gay columnist Michael Bresciani of Renew America is warning that President Obama is a harbinger of the Antichrist, who will rule over the world with a mix of Sharia law and LGBT rights. In his latest column, Bresciani argues that Obama is part of a long line of evil rulers including Nero and Adolf Hitler, and may be even worse because of his support for same-sex marriage.

Bresciani writes that Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality was the “most defiant, divisive and destructive policy ever presented to any nation in history.”

“The prurient, perverted lifestyle and practices of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population is the only thing noticeably promoted in the first and second term of Barack Obama,” Bresciani writes. “It is Barack Obama's unique and particular brand of evil, and yet it is being presented as a great win for civil rights.”

After insisting that Obama is “doing everything to prepare the way” for the Antichrist’s future reign, the Renew America columnist wondered if America will soon be governed by Islamic law or become a gaypalooza: “Will it be the free for all of the LGBT with parades and open shows in media and public, or the dark portent of Sharia law where women are entombed in black potato sacks and reduced to the social level of cattle? Will America be a nation ruled by a political party led by Jihadists or a big party put on by the LGBT.”

Every period of time in this world has had its despots, and tyrants who forced their particular brand of evil on those they ruled.

To insult the Jews, Antiochus Epiphanes (Antiochus IV) slew a pig in the most sacred spot in the world for Jewish people, the Holy of Holies.

Herod wanting to please the Romans hoisted up the Roman Eagle over the door of the Temple; which was a clear defilement in the eyes of every Jew.

Later Roman Emperor Nero began killing Christians for sport and to entertain his willing blood thirsty citizens.

Fast forward to modern despots. There are so many we will hone in on the best known. Hitler killed Jews and anyone else who resisted his diabolical Third Reich. Millions died before his twisted schemes could be reined in and Germany brought down to a heap of smoldering rubble.

All successful despots throughout all time have shared one thing in common; they knew that crowd control was not something that you do when everything has gone out of control; it is something you do so it won't ever go out of control. Julius Caesar was known for saying that if you gave people a piece of bread and a spectacle you could do anything you wanted with them.

Enter Barack Obama, unlike any President before him he tosses those with a nanny state mentality a pile of freebies, cuddles up with Hollywood moguls and celebs who keep us titillated and laughing and sits down to dinner with the kings of earth on the taxpayer's dime. His wife flourishes in her role as the queen of America, with TV appearances, worldwide trips and $3,000 per night stays in world-class hotels.

At home DOMA has been dumped due to the dilettante 'evolved' morality of the president and every major guide and tradition has been abandoned for the whims of man with no known accomplishments to his credit and over twenty hidden and never seen documents about his past.

The Bible, the constitution and 6,000 years of human adherence to the laws of nature and common sense regarding marriage have been dumped under the auspices of a single man who has promised a change that is now becoming the most defiant, divisive and destructive policy ever presented to any nation in history.

What contribution has Barack Obama made to American greatness and her way of life on any level? Honesty would convulse if we named any area at all – but one. The prurient, perverted lifestyle and practices of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population is the only thing noticeably promoted in the first and second term of Barack Obama.

It is Barack Obama's unique and particular brand of evil, and yet it is being presented as a great win for civil rights. It is dragged up and paraded as something akin to the great civil rights struggle of the blacks. At the very least, it is touted as the means by which Obama has streamlined America and brought her into the twenty first century.

The path to a nation's demise and doom has been well catered or pimped depending on your view, but a confetti strewn floor and a few straggling balloons, once the party is over, will hardly be an answer for a nation whose greatness was the most remarkable accomplishment of civil government in the history of the world.

When Obama announced he would not defend DOMA, the courts were weakened and on the fortieth year of the inception of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court made its second worst decision in the nation's history.

The world mocks those who proclaim that antichrist will soon emerge and reign for the last few years of time before the Lord Jesus Christ returns and takes the reins of power away from men. Yet, we have a man said to be the leader of the free world doing everything to prepare the way for such a man.

Yes, the rest of the world is also chomping at the bit to enter the changes that Barack Obama is proposing here in the U.S. To those who understand prophecy that is only proof that the stage is being set for the coming the 'Man of Sin.' (2Th 2: 3)

Will it be the free for all of the LGBT with parades and open shows in media and public, or the dark portent of Sharia law where women are entombed in black potato sacks and reduced to the social level of cattle? Will America be a nation ruled by a political party led by Jihadists or a big party put on by the LGBT. Will the Muslims bring Sharia to Hollywood first to cover up the nudies and thus end the excesses virtually overnight? Which confusion will emerge to take us into the twenty first?