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Renew America: Gay Rights Destroying Civilization

Christopher Adamo of the conservative news site Renew America writes today that gay rights, reproductive rights and public schools are ruining America and eviscerating morality. Adamo claims that “the whole liberal advocacy of abortion and ‘gay rights’ has never been about elevating human dignity, but about collapsing the nation’s cultural and moral foundation” and that “the entire same-sex ‘marriage’ movement has as its ultimate purpose the destruction of traditional marriage, which would erode and diminish its historical role as a staunch mooring of civilization.” He also argues that public schools are only meant to make people dependent on government, abortion is simply about making money and Occupy Wall Street is hypocritical because it is destroying the environment with its “filth and squalor”:

Liberals loudly claim to be champions of "education," yet a comprehensive assessment of their concept of proactive educational support boils down to two major pursuits, money and control. Specifically, liberal "education" necessitates that students be consigned into enormously expensive government schools, in which they are ideologically indoctrinated while their overseers feed ravenously at the public trough. Thus can the next generation, particularly in the nation's urban areas, be safely kept on the "plantation."

Similarly, the whole liberal advocacy of abortion and "gay rights" has never been about elevating human dignity, but about collapsing the nation's cultural and moral foundation so that it can be remade in the image of Marx and Alinsky.

Abortion has done more to demean women and relegate them to the role of sexual "play toys" than any other societal change in the last century. Nor should the symbiosis between public school "sex education" and the nation's abortion industry ever be ignored. Clearly, the breakdown of morality needed to advance the counterculture is similarly advantageous to maximizing the business interests of the abortion mills, which exercise an inordinate influence on the teaching of "sexuality." Likewise, the entire same-sex "marriage" movement has as its ultimate purpose the destruction of traditional marriage, which would erode and diminish its historical role as a staunch mooring of civilization.

Anyone who ever naively contended that the true guardians of "mother earth" reside on the political left should take a brief gander at any of the "occupy" mobs across the nation. The proliferation of filth and squalor in their surroundings is atrocious, and inexplicable except as a physical reflection of the true ideological mindset of the participants. In stark contrast, those "terrorists" from the Tea Party invariably left their gathering places in pristine cleanliness.