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Renew America: Don't 'Allow Obama's Half-Blackness To Take Down America'

A columnist for Alan Keyes’ Renew America, which has launched a campaign to impeach President Obama, claims that Republicans shouldn’t fear bringing impeachment charges against Obama because he’s not really black.

“Barack Obama is mulatto,” Sylvia Thompson writes. “If you think about it, this nation has not yet elected, in the true sense, a black president. The first American black president will be someone like former presidential candidate Herman Cain or former Congressman Allen West.”

Thompson claims that Republicans won’t impeach Obama because of the “fear of being branded racist. If Obama is black, he is therefore untouchable, and that thinking is detrimental to this nation.”

Instead, Republicans should emphasize “his equal portion of whiteness and oppose that part of him,” as “it would be an unconscionable act of defeatism to allow Obama’s half-blackness to take down America.”

If you agree with talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, who says Obama will never be impeached because he is the first black president, then that is a problem. It is time for this nation to stop ignoring a full fifty percent of Barack Obama's heritage and claiming that he is "black," as though his mother, grandparents (who reared him) and an entire family lineage did not exist. If you think about it, this nation has not yet elected, in the true sense, a black president. The first American black president will be someone like former presidential candidate Herman Cain or former Congressman Allen West. These are men whose heritage goes back to not simply Africans, but specifically Africans brought to America centuries ago. That is a distinction, in my view, worth emphasizing, given the paralysis inflicting the nation over how to deal with Barack Obama.

Obama is a mixed-race person. His father was an African from the East African country Kenya, and his mother was of Caucasian European descent. That means Barack Obama is mulatto. Look it up if the word is unfamiliar to you.

I make this point in the hope of moving at least a few souls out there beyond the barrier that prevents them from criticizing and actively fighting this man, who is hell-bent on destroying the country. The utter impotence of Republican leadership in Congress; the seemingly servile behavior of the Supreme Court (Justice John Roberts' contortive route to approving Obamacare); the few other-than-leftist media outlets, whose commentators soft-pedal around every unlawful move that Obama makes; all stem, in my view, from fear of being branded racist. If Obama is black, he is therefore untouchable, and that thinking is detrimental to this nation.

I have always thought that Obama was chosen by the Left and groomed for politics so as to be used as a tool. There is nothing outstanding about him other than his ability to speak smoothly, and that skill is merely a factor of being reared among educated people. I think that the architects of his development and eventual thrust upon the political scene surmised that the brown skin (no matter that he got it from a foreign African and not an American black father) would make him sufficiently black to foil criticism from white Americans. These background masterminds also knew that as he advanced their leftist agenda, some Americans would raise holy hell. A surefire way to dampen that resistance would be to play the race card. And, sadly for America, the scheme has worked well.

For those who cannot quite move beyond Obama's blackness, I strongly urge that you at least consider his equal portion of whiteness and oppose that part of him, if it is easier for you to do so. It behooves the rest of us to support the efforts of Dr. Keyes and other Americans seeking solutions, such as those who are suing Obama for specific infractions against his oath of office. Whatever you do, vow that you will not cave to the Left's seeming victory over this nation. It would be an unconscionable act of defeatism to allow Obama's half-blackness to take down America.