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Remembering Christine O'Donnell: Praising Helms, Missing Lenny and Squiggy, and Worries of Rampant Satanism

I searched around in the newspaper archives for articles from Christine O'Donnell's days with Concerned Women for America and her time as Savior's Alliance for Lifting the Truth and found some rather interesting quotes and articles that are worth sharing.

Like this article praising Sen. Jesse Helms for opposing funding for HIV victims: 


28 July 1995
Charlotte Observer

Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., lost his battle Thursday to stop a special funding program for AIDS sufferers, but won an opportunity to publicize his views to a nationwide television audience during a two-day debate.

Over Helms' objections, the Senate voted, 97-3, to pass the Ryan White Care Act, which funnels money to states to help AIDS and HIV-positive victims who can't get help elsewhere ... Helms lost overwhelmingly because senators were disgusted by his remarks implying that AIDS sufferers didn't deserve federal help


Concerned Women for America, a 600,000-member Christian group, praised Helms.

Federal money from the Ryan White Act has in the past gone to teach teenagers to use condoms to engage in homosexual behavior that includes anal sex, said Concerned Women spokeswoman Christine O'Donnell.

Or this article attacking Coors Brewing Company for offering benefits to same-sex couples:

At Coors, a Brewing Dilemma Over Gay Rights

16 September 1995
The Washington Post

The Coors Brewing Co. is run by a family that has helped fund a conservative backlash against gay rights, but has become one of the first companies in the country to extend health benefits to the partners of its homosexual employees.

As a consequence, the corporation, whose annual beverage sales total $1.6 billion, finds itself boycotted both by gay and lesbian activists and by anti-gay Christian fundamentalists.


Fred Phelps Sr., minister of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., announced a boycott of Coors and began organizing a picketing and lobbying campaign. In an interview, Phelps said his church has only 150 members, but has 10 fax machines he uses to publicize the boycott. One fax that he said was sent to churches throughout the country said, "The Coors family of hypocrites claim to fear God, but sponsor filthy fags!"

Christine O'Donnell, press secretary of the 600,000-member Concerned Women of America, said her conservative group also opposes the new Coors policy. "We think that it legitimizes the homosexual lifestyle," she said.

Or this one in which O'Donnell longs for the days when Lenny and Squiggy didn't sleep with Laverne and Shirley: 

2 June 1997

"In general, my generation is confused," says Christine O'Donnell, 27, head of the Saviors Alliance for Lifting the Truth, a Christian youth group that advocates sexual abstinence. "We're craving more conservative values, more boundaries." O'Donnell lectures at high schools about abstinence and says there always is a sigh of relief when teens hear that it's okay to wait. "A lot of these kids have never had anyone tell them no, and they want that," she explains.

Despite O'Donnell's modest success - she has been featured on MTV and will fence comedian Al Franken on an upcoming episode of Politically Incorrect - her mission, she says, is a struggle against the still-dominant liberal culture. "People are always talking about how bad the seventies were, but things in the popular culture have gotten much worse even since then. I grew up watching Laverne and Shirley, and Lenny and Squiggy never slept over. Now with shows like Friends or Married i With Children, sex is everywhere. I mean, can you imagine the minds that were raised on those shows?"

Ot this one that O'Donnell wrote about handing out S.A.L.T literature at the annual HFStival in Washington, DC in which she warned at Satanism had become the religion of choice for her generation:

Opposite Attraction; Pitching Abstinence to the Young and the Restless at the HFStival
By Christine O'Donnell

15 June 1997
The Washington Post

Walking through the crowd I also noticed more pentagrams than crosses around the teenage necks. "Satanism is the religion of the '90s," I was told. "It means I worship nature," responded one girl when I asked her what the pentagram meant to her. I explained that the pentagram is to Satan what the cross is to Christ. She didn't want to believe it.

Others knew exactly what it meant.

"I'd rather go to hell and do what I want than go to heaven and do what others say," said a pale boy wearing smeared red and black eyeliner who had deep scars along the insides of both arms.

This boy mirrored "The Satanic Bible's" basic philosophy, "Do what thou wilt." Satanism has re-emerged among Generation X with an arrogance that mocks its members as it blatantly destroys them. Was this boy so consumed with his right to worship Satan that he couldn't see Satan's true purpose, which is to devour and destroy his worshipers? Past generations have broadened the boundaries so much that this generation must go to great extremes to rebel.

The generation of young people that questioned the establishment in the '60s is now middle-aged, and has become the establishment itself. Moral absolutes have been eliminated, "feel-good" religions created, and free sex legitimized, paving the way for disposable marriages. The results of these tailor-made values are new strains of sexually transmitted diseases, more potent drugs, more broken families and out-of-wedlock pregnancy rates and worrisome suicide rates. It's time for this generation of young people to question the new establishment.