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Religious Right Radio Host Janet Mefferd is Promoting Extreme Anti-LGBTQ ‘Gone Too Far’ Group

Radio host Janet Mefferd (Photo from

We reported last week on a press conference held by a group of extremely anti-LGBTQ leaders calling themselves the Gone Too Far Movement. Religious Right radio host Janet Mefferd, who had promoted the event in advance, followed up by telling listeners she had watched the whole event, which she declared was “fabulous.”

Last Thursday she broadcast snippets of the press conference on her show, choosing clips from Oklahoma pastor Dan Fisher, who promoted the group’s Proclamation for Morality, and “ex-homosexual” Stephen Black.

“Immoral behavior is not a civil right,” said Dan Fisher in a clip Mefferd cued up. “Immoral behavior is not a civil right.”

“Amen to that,” Mefferd responded, adding “I wish every pastor in America would get up in the pulpit and say the exact same thing.”

Mefferd played a clip of Black saying that his ministry had conducted a survey of its clients, and that 72 percent of the respondents reported finding “lasting freedom” from homosexuality. Black declared that describing someone as a “gay Christian” is heresy. To which Mefferd responded, “He’s really great, isn’t he?”

Mefferd used the segment as another opportunity to promote God’s Voice, a conference being organized in response to “the queering of the church.” The conference will be held at Fisher’s church later this month. Both Mefferd and Black are scheduled to speak there, as is Peter LaBarbera, who was also a featured speaker at the Gone Too Far press conference.

The American Family Association’s Pennsylvania affiliate was also enthusiastic about Gone Too Far’s launch, and sent supporters an action alert urging people to sign the Proclamation for Morality.