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Religious Right Author Claims Environmentalism Will Destroy America, Introduce Fascist Tyranny

Janet Parshall in 2010 narrated a right-wing “documentary” about the “Green Dragon” menace, where Religious Right activists said that environmentalists do not believe in science but superstition, calling environmentalism its own anti-Christian religion. Yesterday, Parshall’s radio show was devoted to exposing the supposedly sinister origins of environmental science with guest Mark Musser, whose works include: “The Nazi Origins of Apocalyptic Global Warming Theory”; “Green Lebensraum: The Nazi Roots of Sustainable Development”; “Enviro-Baalism-Fascism” and “Nazi Oaks: The Green Sacrificial Offering of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust.”

Essentially, Musser’s main argument on Parshall’s program was that evolution, animal rights and environmentalism were the main forces behind Nazi thought and dehumanization of non-Aryan groups. He told Parshall that environmentalism inevitably leads to fascism and tyranny, and warns that the U.S. may be destroyed like ancient Israel if American society embraces environmentalism:

With environmentalism, especially the radical version of it—you know we used to have conservationism in America with Teddy Roosevelt and these people—but now environmentalism has taken over and nature is the most important thing. So you have to adjust everything to nature. Nature is viewed as a holistic tyrant, so to speak, and holism really teaches tyranny. Fascism is all connected here. You have to bow everything to nature’s holistic inter-relatedness and you can’t buck anything with regards to what nature does. This is the problem with environmentalism and why it’s so dangerous, because it becomes your tyrant.

Israel would be the example of this originally, as they were commanded to go in and subdue the promise land and fill it and that’s what they did and for a while it was a good land, then these other things came in, environmentalism came in and destroyed their culture, what I call the Baalism, the nature worship, instead of worshiping the Creator they worshiped nature and this led to the destruction of their society. I think the same things are happening in our own country today too. We have this nature-worship now that is infiltrating our society, infiltrating Christianity too, and it is bringing us down and it is something that people need to be wary of. There is a dark path to this whole environmental discussion that people need to know.