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Reisman: Gay Boy Scouts 'Will Greedily Entrap Any And All Boys Who Seem Easy Prey'

After warning that “the Boy Scouts are up for grabs…in many different ways,” Liberty University’s Judith Reisman took to WorldNetDaily today to write that the leadership of the Boy Scouts of America has “stamped a ‘bull’s eye’ on the Boy Scouts as pederast targets” by voting to end the ban on gay youth.

She argues that gay Boy Scouts will “train” and sexually assault other scouts and then trick them to “believe they are naturally ‘that way.’”

“Now, bigger and/or more manipulative lads, with cell phones and other pornography resources stirring their sinews, will greedily entrap any and all boys who seem easy prey,” Reisman claims, “Eroticize the campsite and you eroticize boys to one another and to their leaders.”

The recent Boy Scout betrayal is a glaring example of the growing impotence of masc

uline virtue and honor. And please, don’t take refuge by blaming “the feminist movement.” Really!

Oh, but such boy predators won’t singly or gang victimize Scouts! Perish the thought! On May 23, a real Man, Chuck Peters, of Voice of the Voiceless (“the only anti-defamation league for former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions, and their families”), having been a young sexually violated Scout himself, charged:

“New Boy Scout Policy May Lead To Increased Pedophilia.”

May lead?

Indeed, Mr. Peters, indeed.

Assuming the votes were trustworthy, 854 adults, that is, 61 percent of roughly 1,400 BSA’s National Council voting members, “who cast ballots,” have opened their boys to youths branded as “openly gay-identified Boy Scouts.”

Adults are meant to know better.

Youths commonly heed adult ideas and mark themselves accordingly (I’m stupid, clumsy, ugly, or even brilliant or wise!). However, adults are meant to help vulnerable youths grow, learn and become who they are meant to be – years hence.

Instead, 854 adults stamped a “bull’s eye” on the Boy Scouts as pederast targets.

Now, bigger and/or more manipulative lads, with cell phones and other pornography resources stirring their sinews, will greedily entrap any and all boys who seem easy prey.

“Boy Scout” is defined in Gay Speak, the homophile lexicon:

“Boy-scout queen: (sexually experimenting boy scouts who fear giving a response); one who pretends to snooze as he is f–-ed or s–-ed off, ‘sugar loaf,’ ‘sugar babe,’ etc., bees to the honey!”

I sanitized the text for you.

What cowards to pretend ignorance of the massive history of Boy Scout molestations!

Eroticize the campsite and you eroticize boys to one another and to their leaders. “Gay Scoutmasters” will arrive soon to “help” “their” lads, to train and encourage them – to believe they are naturally “that way.”

The “I just knew I was different since I was 5 years old” mantra.
