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Ralph Reed Mobilizing '50-State Grassroots Army' To Protect Republican Control Of Congress

Ralph Reed speaks at the 2018 Road to Majority conference in Washington on June 8, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Fresh off last week’s Road to Majority conference, during which Ralph Reed said the Faith and Freedom Coalition would commit $18-20 million to turning out conservative voters in this year’s mid-term elections, Reed is out with a fundraising pitch warning that a Democratic takeover of the House would lead to the impeachment of President Trump.

A Saturday afternoon breakout session at Road to Majority was devoted to a discussion of Faith and Freedom Coalition’s door-to-door operations in 2016 and plans for an expanded version in 2018. Reed has bragged that the group knocked on 1.2 million doors, made 10 million phone calls, and distributed tens of millions of voter guides and mailers in 2016, and he’s pledged that they will do even more this year.

In his new fundraising letter, Reed said, “Faith & Freedom Coalition is doing everything in our power to prevent a far-left Democrat takeover of Washington.”

He cited a Democratic representative saying there would be “a good likelihood” that articles of impeachment would be introduced if Republicans lose control of Congress.

Patriot, I don’t have to tell you how impeaching a President without any evidence that he committed a single solitary crime would shatter our democracy and destroy our Constitution.

Never before have we seen such a politically-motivated witch hunt. And never before have we seen leaders in Washington so dead-set on taking down the President of the United States.

The only way to stop them is by defeating them at the ballot box.

That’s why Faith & Freedom is dramatically expanding our 50-state grassroots army—and doing all we can to mobilize tens of millions of Christians and conservatives to the polls all across the nation.

Reed’s letter offered conservatives some encouragement along with his warning that if liberals win in November, “Trump’s presidency and the basic fundamentals of our Constitution could be in danger.”

But the good news? The American people are finally waking up to that fact.

Over the past few weeks, liberals have been in a free-fall on the “generic ballot”—and, according to the latest Reuters poll, Republicans are now leading for the first time since President Trump was elected.

But Reed’s optimism may be overstated. According to a poll released this week by Public Policy Polling, Democrats hold a 6-point advantage on the generic ballot. A GW Politics Poll gives Democrats a 7-point advantage. On Tuesday, political analyst Stuart Rothenberg argued that “the fundamentals remain very much with the Democrats, as they have been for more than a year.”